In our surroundings there are a lot of things that gather around. Gravity gathers us on earth, light rays concentrate in the pupil and strike the retina to generate a colorful image, ants gather to form a team, team members gather, and many other impressive examples. This sketchbook presents those incredible gathering points of objects, creatures or humans. Those gatherings tend to amaze us with its marvelous beauty of forming, empowering and creating.
Mariam Alnoaimi is a Bahraini artist. She has graduated from the University of Bahrain in 2013 with a Bachelor in Interior Design. Alnoaimi’s art work includes paintings, conceptual installations and videography. Through her art work Mariam tends to raise questions and shed the light on various subjects from her environment, culture and surroundings. She believes that art has always been a great tool through which one can shed light on important issues, express ideas thoughts and feelings.