
Darya Golova


Darya Golova

In the Moleskine I tried to put on the surface the problem of mental illness and desire of todays society. People are only attracted by super dirty ill images. In sex, in food, in relationships. In my opinion society has a mutation in this field: todays ”normal’’ is extreme. To illustrate this I used the gay couple Harry Potter and Pinocchio, mutated by chernobyl, falling in the hole of desire. Maybe this will sexually satisfy some people? I hope not.

IMG_3259Darya Golova

My name is Darya Golova, I am born in the 90s in the post soviet country: Belarus. In My teenage years I observed and accepted a lot of contrasts between people and cultures while traveling with my parents. The possibility to travel was a lucky ticket in my life. Also growing up in soviet regime and experiencing the impact of chernobyl has played a big role in my understanding. After having collected all these experiences, that made me the way I am now, I started to study art and fashion design in Florence. My aim is to put all my experience to change the attitude tot the business of luxury fashion and artificial stimulation of consumption of clothes .
I see in fashion my instrument to indicate the heel of Achilles of society.

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