
Mbena Bekeck Emmanuel Christos


Mbena Bekeck Emmanuel Christos

The legend: the raker

My work represents a universe, a continent, a country, a city, a neighbourhood, a sector, and a place, which defines me and the activity that surrounds me daily. I live in an extraordinary suburb that is built on the recovery of more or less common objects, where young talents/ artists in herbs flood the streets with their masterpieces to show that they exist, where smoking, small banditry (stealing for survival), lack of intimacy and thirst for life are topical. We can observe day and night young people who stroll on both sides in the garbage cans, the gutters, and the neighbourhood corridors to collect bottles, copper, scrap metal, kitchen utensils, and clothing accessories… My people are in the perpetual quest of life, given that they are the cradle of all kinds of negative experiences pushing young people to indulge in self-made such as small shops for the most ingenious, relate for the less qualified, Banditry, the deal, prostitution for the weakest. So that everyone will always know these people. I have added the geographical map by marking the perimeter that materialises my people in red.

Mbena Bekeck Emmanuel Christos

My name is Mbena Bereck Emmanuel Christos, I was born in 1990, I started as a self-taught screen printer, then trained with the Graffeur Meric in 2010. After obtaining my Baccalaureate, I joined the Institute of Fine Arts of Nkongsamba in 2012 with the aim of developing my skills according to the standards and canons of art. In the meantime, I have participated in several workshops, festivals, residencies including that of the Senegalese graffiti artist Docta (Doxadem Residence Tour). Passionate about graffiti since 2007, I am the author of several frescoes in the cities of Nkongsamba, Limbé, Kumba, Douala, Kekem, organizer of the GRAFF UP FESTI and referent of international graffiti structures such as Doxandemsquad, Wallspot, responsible for the scenography and frescoes of the Douala Hiphop Festival.

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