The artist uses the notebook as a secret diary where to tell about herself. Starting from the first page the author decides to tell us about the most important moments in her life, from the tragic loss of both her parents to a big sentimental heartbreak, and how these have influenced her nature making her become the shy girl that she is. Her memories intertwine with the feelings aroused in her by the workshop: the debates and the trip to Adjahui help her open her mind and express herself through words and pictures. The latter are placed mostly in the last pages of the notebook, partly painted by the children of Adjahui and partly by the artist herself, the illustrations show the images of nature and are made using different techniques like, for example, the collage.
(the concept’s text is by Raffaella Carillo)
Né le 30/09/1987 à Dikodougou, Cote d’Ivoire
2014: master II, option Arts Plastiques, specialité sculpture INSAAC/Abidjan (COCODY).
2011: Diplôme d’Etude Artistique General-option Arts Plastiques (DEAG-AP), INSAAC/Abidjan (Cocody).
2008: BAC D au Lycée Moderne inagohi), San-pedro.
13 Decembre au 01 Fevrier 2013: 2èmeedition AT WORK à la Fondation Donwahi pour l’Art Contemporain/ Abidjan (Cocody).