
Katerina Samara


Katerina Samara

Roter Faden

A heatwave, as waves do, comes and goes. Some times it stays for a moment that our perception makes it looks long. Some times it just pass without leaving anything behind.
In any case, each heatwave is part of life.
A Roter Faden literary means red thread in german language but literally it is the central logical structure of a text. As another Roter Faden, the heatwave take place in this notebook as the central logical structure of life that continues, with some pauses or repetitions, next to some short stories, but it always continues.

Katerina Samara

Katerina Samara was born in Larissa, Greece in 1988. She works with photography, video but also installations. She is interested in artistic research, writing and collaboration. Themes of her projects are the memory, the function of it as well as the connection with the family and the history. She graduated from Photography and Audiovisual Art Department of Technological Educational Institute of Athens in 2012 and she completed her Masters of Art in Public Spheres with distinction for her writing quality at Ecole Cantonale d’ Art du Valais in Sierre in 2014 for which she also received the prize of the city of Sierre 2014. After the one-year residency at “Atelier Tremplin”, supported by BEA Fondation, she continues her work at another studio in the Artistic and Cultural Centre of Sion “Ferme-Asile”. She participated to collective exhibitions in Switzerland. Her works are published in the catalog of the exhibition “Show Shown Showed”, of the Trienalle of Valais and in Federica Martini’s book Vedi alla Voce. She lives and works between Sion, Switzerland and Athens, Greece.

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