Hi, my name is Bárbara, born in 1993. I’m an art student.. I’ve been in António Arroio and CED, Da Maria Pia from Casa Pia de Lisboa. I’ve studied decorative painting at school, but i like to do more things like photography, draws, write, and of couse, painting. I really like to dicover many difrent médiums, and learn many kind of art things. I like to read too. If you have an art project, or if you need more hands, I can help you if you want! Tell me something!
So, my project is all about life, about the three moments of life: past, present and future. Through the illustration of the vagina I represent the an- swer to “Where do we come from?”, as an allusion to the past. The present, the “Where are we?” is illustrated through the pieces of mirror. The fu- ture represents the answer of “Where do the we go from here?” through my footprint. But you have to open the question in order to understand what I mean by that. Be comfortable to hold and touch my notebook, open it and close it as if you were reading a regular book. But be careful with the mirror pieces, they represent all the dificult mom- ments in our lives. Don’t let them cut you..